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This project had different stages within it, which were the springboards to the final product. These springboards topics were: Social Objects, Time, “British Sign language looks like a chord sounds”, Language and Memory. 

For my final piece I followed the route of Language and made a piece that represented my dyslexia, showing it in a way that other people would be able to understand it. 

The piece consisted of:

- photographs from my life on acetate so you can see through them - this shows how memories get mixed up and muddled together.

- On the table it had an explanation of my dyslexia with over lay sheets that show what it can look like while I read.

- The last component was describing the images that were hanging but there was no adjustments to any mistakes that I made while writing it.

        Credit (SP): Heloise Godfrey-Talbot 

Credit:Jackie Poultney unless stated otherwise

(SP)= Some Photos

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