Suitcase Project
This was a group project working with a group of participants from a school in the Cardiff area.
This project was also in collaboration with Hijinx Theatre on a production called 'Second Star to the Right', which was a performed by both disabled and able-bodied actors.
The contribution that this project gave was work that was produced by participants that were in the sessions. There was four sessions in total and the focus was on self-portraits and creatures. The creatures that were designed by the participants got made into a animated film that played in a scene in the production.
The photos that are below show the combination of work that got made over the weeks by the participants as well as the suitcase that was used as our container to house the work that was made.
The work was also exhibited in the Wales Millennium Centre
Credit: Becky Davies
Project Peers -
Megan Temple
Kelly Harvard-Jones
Nick Bailey
Rachel Sweeney